protokolo.exceptions module

Exception classes.

exception protokolo.exceptions.ProtokoloError[source]

Bases: Exception

Common exception class for all custom errors raised by the protokolo module.

exception protokolo.exceptions.DictTypeError(*args: Any)[source]

Bases: TypeError, ProtokoloError

Expected a value of a different type for a given key.

exception protokolo.exceptions.DictTypeListError(*args: Any)[source]

Bases: DictTypeError

Like DictTypeError, but the item is in a list (inside of a dictionary) instead of in a dictionary.

exception protokolo.exceptions.ProtokoloTOMLError[source]

Bases: ProtokoloError

An exception that pertains to .protokolo.toml.

exception protokolo.exceptions.AttributeNotPositiveError[source]

Bases: ValueError, ProtokoloTOMLError

A value in config.SectionAttributes is expected to be a positive integer.

exception protokolo.exceptions.ProtokoloTOMLNotFoundError[source]

Bases: FileNotFoundError, ProtokoloTOMLError

Couldn’t find a .protokolo.toml file.

exception protokolo.exceptions.ProtokoloTOMLIsADirectoryError[source]

Bases: IsADirectoryError, ProtokoloTOMLError

.protokolo.toml is not a file.

exception protokolo.exceptions.HeadingFormatError[source]

Bases: ValueError, ProtokoloError

Could not create heading.